Nang Yan Golden Z Club

2023 Zonta Club of Kowloon Leadership Workshop

Zonta Club of Kowloon organized a “2023 Leadership Workshop” for Golden Z members from Nang Yan, PolyU, LU, APA, CU, CityU and also Z members from QESOSATKW Secondary School on 25 March 2023 (Saturday) at PolyU. The workshop was organised with the objectives to instill leadership skills among the students and to enhance the skills of the leader on project management, social issues, communication and self-awareness.

The workshop began at 9 AM and it started with the inaugural address by Ms Teresa Lin, Zonta International Director; Ms Lia Bautista, District Governor, District 17; Mrs Winnie Wong, Lieutenant DG, District 17, ZI; Mrs Winnie Teoh, Chairman, Advocacy Committee, Zonta Club of Kowloon and Past ZI Director. It was an honor to meet with all the top leaders of Zonta International and learn about “What is Zonta and Why Zonta”.

Social issues of services and volunteer works in Hong Kong were addressed at the Workshop. The first topic was “Volunteering, Developing Leadership & Community Service”, delivered by Dr Joyce Sau Han CHANG, JP, Adjunct Professor in Social Work at Gratia College, Department Head of Social Work at Shue Yan College & Head of Caritas Social Work Division. Another topic was “Social Service in HK” and was delivered by Prof Annie Tam, GBS, JP, Former Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare, HKSAR and Chairman of Executive Committee, New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association.

After the short lunch break, Ms Irene Ho, Senior Manager (Service Transformation) Hospital Authority provided tips on Project Management. Students were then divided into groups were assigned specific  project planning. Through these activities, the students learnt about team work and project management with some fun and enjoyment.

Then it ended with a feedback session and sharing from Golden Z Alumni.

Overall, it was an amazing experience to be a part of this workshop and students actively participated in the learning process in a single day and in the most effective way.
